HomeHealthCPAP:  Compliance with Treatment CPAP

CPAP Machine: Importance of Compliance

Although compliance CPAP sounds like something complicated or overwhelming, it really just means following the prescribed course of treatment for the problem at hand, which in the case of CPAP is usually sleep apnea. Many people do not know about sleep apnea or realize that they suffer from it because it is hard to diagnose. Unless the sufferer sleeps with or near someone who can provide information about snoring during the night, few people will associate mild confusion, drowsiness, fatigue, or lower work productivity with the sleep disorder. The symptoms of sleep apnea are so similar to those of many other diseases that sleep apnea often gets overlooked in the diagnosis process.

Compliance CPAP Reduces Health Risk

Sleep apnea often needs compliance CPAP because it is a sleep disorder caused by a partial or complete obstruction of the airway. As the airway collapses, air is prevented from reaching the lungs, causing the person to stop breathing temporarily until the body awakens itself suddenly to restore oxygen flow. Because the person is often not even aware that any of these things are happening, many people might incorrectly assume that sleep apnea is not a serious disorder that warrants any concern. However, this is not the case at all.

Sleep apnea has been associated with a wide range of health problems and concerns, and compliance CPAP is important to help reduce the health risk. Because the body's natural sleep patterns are interrupted continually throughout the night, the person does not get completely rested while sleeping. This can result in persistent fatigue, confusion, falling asleep during the day, and lowered productivity while at work. However, these are not the only problems associated with sleep apnea; they are just the most common. In some instances, sleep apnea has been found to be partially or completely responsible for strokes and heart attacks, and untreated sleep apnea can increase the risk of other heart-related problems like coronary disease, myocardial infarction, and angina.

The good news is that compliance CPAP, or following the prescribed treatment routine with a CPAP (continuous positive airway pressure) machine, can nearly eliminate all risks associated with sleep apnea. Compliance with the CPAP routine is easy to do because all it generally involves is using the CPAP machine while sleeping to ensure that oxygen reaches the lungs continously throughout the night and that airway obstruction is prevented. Although compliance CPAP may not be as comfortable as sleeping naturally, it is important to follow the treatment routine to prevent serious health problems.

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