HomeHealthCPAP:  Alternative Treatment Option to CPAP

CPAP Needs Alternative to Reduce Discomfort

For sleep apnea, a continuous positive airway pressure machine is the most commonly recommended non-surgical treatment option, but there is an alternative to CPAP. Sleep apnea, along with other sleep disorders such as snoring, affect a large percentage of the population and can be a serious problem in many cases. Because many people are overworked with too-full schedules as it is, it is imperative that people get rested when they actually have a few minutes to sleep. Although many sufferers of sleep apnea may not even realize that they are affected by this sleep disorder, the reality is that it can cause severe sleep disruptions and persistent fatigue.

Alternative to CPAP: Intraoral Dental Appliance

There are many reasons why people may be looking for an alternative to CPAP. A CPAP machine is currently the most common treatment option for sleep apnea because it is non-invasive and relatively easy to use and because it has an extremely high rate of success. Problems related to sleep apnea are completely solved in over 95% of all cases of the disorder. However, despite the high success rate of CPAP machines, there are some downsides to this treatment method that cause some sleep apnea sufferers to search for an alternative to CPAP.

A CPAP machine is a device that pumps pressurized oxygen into the lungs through a mask worn by someone while sleeping. Because sleep apnea is a result of the airway collapsing or becoming obstructed, this pressurized air prevents the problem because the force of the air maintains an open airway. However, there is sometimes significant discomfort or irritation associated with wearing a mask while sleeping, and many people find that the mask hinders their sleeping as much as the sleep apnea.

There is more than one alternative to CPAP. Generally, if CPAP is being considered as a treatment option, the simpler treatments--like losing weight, stopping smoking, and reducing alcohol consumption--have already been tried. However, there are more alternatives to consider. One of the more popular treatment alternatives is an intraoral dental appliance. It is a small appliance that is worn in the mouth while sleeping, and users report that it is significantly more comfortable and less noticeable than the CPAP machine and mask. It causes less discomfort during sleep, is easier to transport, and is less difficult to operate. It is increasingly being used to treat sleep apnea, and insurance companies are even beginning to cover more of the costs associated with it, giving the intraoral device even more credibility as a sleep apnea treatment option.

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